I didn’t watch, but saw plenty TikTok video of scenes from the series. I scrolled past quickly as I could. Many viewers are going to look at Evan Peters’ portrayal of Jeffrey Dahmer as an extension of Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story-eqsue universe—almost forgetting that this was a sick serial killer who destroyed lives. You felt conflicted about your feelings as you watched it & read my piece with an open mind. That showed me you’re thinking about the victims. I believe that was point of the series. One hand you felt horrified by him, but still felt sad for him. The real Jeffrey Dahmer wasn’t regretful. He told his mother during one of their last phone calls, that he’s glad he’s in prison because he would kill again. He didn’t care about people, only satisfying his sinister impulses is what mattered to him. That’s why I felt confused when people described him as “lonely” or having abandonment issues. His dark desires were domination, control, & violation. He didn’t value people. He only wanted his sick needs to be met at any cost. Just keep in mind that the series isn’t what exactly happened in real life. I appreciate you reading my piece & taking what I laid out into consideration. That’s how we honor the victims & their families.